PSLA Departmental Administrative Positions


Title PSLA Departmental Administrative Positions
Policy Owner Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (PSLA)
Applies to All full-time faculty members in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Unit Applicability College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
Effective Date January 1, 2023
For More Information Contact Department Head
Contact Information Sydney Everhart,
Official Website/ Venue Link


The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture has two administrative positions, the department head and the director of landscape architecture.


As described in detail in Article 15 SELECTION AND REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT HEADS of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement (AAUP CBA 7.1.21 to 6.30.25), the department head (1) is selected by a search committee of which the majority is voting members of PSLA for a term of five years, (2) is reviewed by the dean at intervals not to exceed five years or upon request by the majority of PSLA voting faculty members, (3) shall not serve more than two consecutive terms unless the majority of voting faculty members approve a maximum third consecutive term, and (4) shall be appointed for ten months, returning to a nine month appointment and salary after serving as department head. Permanent faculty report directly to the department head and the department head reports to the dean (see PSLA Organizational Chart).


The Director of Landscape Architecture (1) is selected by a search committee of which the majority is voting members of PSLA, (2) is reviewed by the department head at intervals not to exceed five years or upon request by the majority of PSLA voting faculty members, and (3) shall be appointed for ten months, returning to a nine month appointment and salary after serving as director.  The director reports directly to the department head (see PSLA Organizational Chart).




  1. PSLA Organizational Chart at


Revision History:


Document drafted 12/17/2022 and Approved by majority faculty vote on 12/31/2022.