PSLA By-laws

University of Connecticut

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture



The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture (hereafter referred to as “the PSLA”) operates on the principle of shared governance between the administration and the faculty.  These By-laws define the substance of that governance structure and related procedures.  These By-laws are subordinate to By-laws of the University of Connecticut, University Policies and applicable sections of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Additional policies and procedures for the operation of the College and the University are included in a separate Policies and Procedures Document.

The College staff and faculty are governed by the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut.  The Dean of the College serves as the chief executive officer for the College and is responsible to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs for the work and proper administration of the College.  The Dean may appoint various Associate Deans and Directors with specific responsibilities to assist in the administration of the College.  Each department shall have a Department Head charged to serve as the department executive officer.

  1. Faculty Membership

Faculty membership shall be those individuals who hold faculty rank either tenured or non-tenured, as defined in Article 14 of the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut and Article 1 of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Such titles may include (along with appropriate modifiers such as Clinical, Extension, Research, Visiting and In-Residence): Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor; Lecturer; Instructor; Assistant, Associate, Cooperative Extension Educator and Senior Cooperative Extension Educator.  Voting members shall hold half-time (as defined by funding) or greater appointments.

  1. Governance Documents

In accordance with Article 30 of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2025, the following departmental governance documents are required. These documents were drafted by a faculty-elected committee and require approval by majority of eligible voters. At or before the first faculty meeting of each academic year, a quorum of voting faculty shall review and approve these documents, without which, the most recently adopted version will remain active.

  • By-laws
  • Performance review
  • Merit Criteria
  • Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment (“PTR”) / Promotion and Reappointment (“P&R”)
  • Workload Policies
  • Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness Beyond SET
  • Departmental Administrative Positions

III. Committees: Structure and Function

At or before the first faculty meeting of each academic year, the voting faculty shall (a) review and approve a list of active and standing committees for the academic year, (b) state the structure and duties associated with each committee, and (c) select and approve the members of each committee.

Current standing committees:

  • Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment (PTR) Advisory Committee
  • Courses & Curriculum
  • Graduate Program Committee
  • Website/Communication
  • Recruiting
  • PSLA Seminar Committee
  • Graduate Scholarship
  • Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Greenhouse Facilities
  • Research Farm Facilities
  • Awards
  • Social


  1. Faculty Meetings

PSLA faculty meetings will be held no less than 6 times annually or at the call of the Department Head. Special called meetings of PSLA faculty can be held at the request of at least 25% of the voting members.  An agenda for Faculty meetings shall be posted at least 3 days prior to the meeting. For voting purposes, a quorum shall consist of 40% of the eligible voting faculty. If a quorum is not present, a vote may be held via electronic means. The normal order of business shall be the call to order, approval of the minutes from the previous meeting, report of the Department Head or designated parliamentarian, report of the standing committees, reports from special committees, old business, new business, and announcements. Business will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Minutes for all meetings will be posted electronically for viewing by all faculty and staff.

  1. Procedures to change the Bylaws

Amendments to these By-laws can be made only upon a vote of the faculty with a quorum voting.  Dates of any approved amendments to these By-laws shall be noted in this document.


Amended 12/16/2022 and Approved by majority faculty vote on 12/31/2022.


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