Whether it involves leading a team or working for yourself, working outdoors, in a laboratory or urban setting, we make sure you are well prepared for your chosen career. A Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems degree from our department prepares graduates for a wide variety of careers and will provide you with a foundation for life-long success. Explore each concentration below for your ideal career.
Visit UConn's Center for Career Development for more resources and information. The Center for Career Development and the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources host various job and internship fairs, and workshops for students.
Environmental Horticulture
Graduates with an Environmental Horticulture concentration are prepared for careers in plant production, public gardens, floriculture and more. They become growers and managers of nurseries, orchards, or farms, growing native or ornamental plants and edible crops in greenhouses or outdoors. Common careers in retail and wholesale businesses include garden center management and operations, product and industry sales, and growers in the cannabis industry. This concentration also prepares graduates for public garden management, such as lead horticulturists of botanical gardens, and for landscaping services. Many pursue careers in public education and outreach through federal, state, or university extension programs and services.
Graduates from our program are prepared to continue their education through advanced degrees to become researchers or specialists in a variety of disciplines such as Plant Breeding, Plant Molecular Genetics, Soil Science, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Integrated Pest Management, and more.
Explore Organizations, Professional Associations, and Job Posting Sites:
Seed Your Future helps students find a career in horticulture. See for horticulture careers, scholarships, and internships.
American Society for Horticultural Science is recognized around the world as a professional horticultural society. See for career, internship, and networking resources.
AmericanHort represents the horticulture industry, connecting members and providing networking and resources. See for the HortScholar program and more.
American Public Gardens Association is an organization in the field of public horticulture. See for career and networking resources.
The Connecticut Horticultural Society is an educational organization committed to improving the practice of gardening and the spread of horticultural information.
Connecticut Nursery & Landscape Association is the state trade association that represents Connecticut's horticultural businesses, such as nurseries and garden centers, landscape contractors/designers/architects, florists, arborists, suppliers, educators, and researchers.

Sustainable Agriculture
Graduates in this concentration pursue a variety of employment opportunities. Many become organic growers, working on, owning, and managing small- or large-scale farms, or working in greenhouse or hydroponic production. Career options include farm managers, crop specialists, greenhouse supplies and sales, and in the cannabis industry as technicians and growers. Graduates may also find positions in retail and wholesale food outlets, local organizations, food co-ops, and farmers' markets. They may become community organizers and public educators working with state or federal programs.
Graduates from our program are prepared to continue their education through advanced degrees to become researchers or specialists in a variety of disciplines such as Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil Science, and Crop Science.
Organizations, Professional Associations, and Job Posting Sites:
New Connecticut Farmer Alliance is a network of farmers and growers working to bring young farmers together to create support systems for a successful and diverse agricultural landscape for Connecticut. They are a group of volunteers working to build a more resilient local food system while fighting climate change and working towards racial equity. No fees or dues are required to be a member. See for jobs in CT Agriculture.
NOFA-CT The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Connecticut's mission is to support the growth of organic agriculture, food, and land care in CT. They envision a state established on ecologically, socially, and economically just principles.
Northeast Organic Farming Association is made up of seven state chapters (CT, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT) with the purpose to advocate for organic and sustainable agriculture. View to learn more about organic farming in each state and the programs and resources offered.
WWOOF is a worldwide movement working towards building sustainable communities by connecting volunteers to organic farmers and growers.
Young Farmers Coalition is built of farmers and ranchers who aim to transform agriculture. They work towards a farming future that is accessible to communities, free of racial violence, based on environmental well-being, and prioritized over profit. Land-Link-Directory-2019.pdf
FoodCorps connects kids to healthy food through service learning so they can lead healthier lives.
Peace Corps provides service opportunities in abroad communities, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation.
Black Farmers' Network shares the stories, products, and services of African-American farmers.
National Black Farmers Association was founded by John Boyd, Jr, a fourth-generation Black farmer who has consistently advocated to gain more funding for black farmers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Turfgrass Science
Graduates of our Turfgrass Science concentration are prepared to work in the golf course industry, athletic field management, and lawn services. Many of our graduates have careers in golf course management and operation such as Superintendents, Directors, Turf Managers, and Turf Technicians. Sports turf management positions include Athletic Field Managers, Assistants, Technicians, Field Agronomists, and Groundskeepers. Graduates also pursue careers in parks and recreation, land management, and residential or commercial lawn management and services.
Graduates from our program are prepared to continue their education through advanced degrees to become researchers or specialists in a variety of disciplines such as Plant Breeding, Turfgrass Entomology, Turfgrass Pathology, and Soil Science.
Organizations, Professional Associations, and Job Posting Sites:
Seed Your Future helps students find a career in horticulture. See for horticulture careers, scholarships, and internships.
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America is a professional association in the U.S. and worldwide. See Student Resources, GCSAA Career Center for internship and job listings.
Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents
Professional Grounds Management Society promotes the distribution of educational materials and information relevant to grounds management. See the PGMS Career Center.
Sports Field Management Association See for the SFMA career center.
American Society for Horticultural Science is recognized around the world as a professional horticultural society. See for career, internship, and networking resources.
United States Golf Association See for internship and job opportunities.
PGA Tour Careers and Internships See for internship and job postings.