
Students are encouraged to explore internship opportunities to enhance the experiential learning component of their education. Our department offers the courses SPSS 3990/SAPL 991 Field Study Internship where students can receive credit for their internship during the fall or spring semesters. Enrolling in SPSS 3990 is a requirement for SPSS majors in the Sustainable Agriculture and Turfgrass Science concentrations, as well as those minoring in Cannabis Production. Students should expect to take the initiative in exploring and finding internship opportunities that align with their interests and major. Our Internship Opportunities page is frequently updated with plant science-related internships!

SPSS 3990 Field Study Internship is open to students majoring in Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems. Students in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture in the 2-year Plant Science major should enroll in the course SAPL 991 Internship. Students outside the SPSS major can also register for this course with the consent of the instructor. SPSS 3081 Summer Internship Experience is offered in the summer session for students who choose to do an internship over summer break. 

Students can register for up to six credits of SPSS 3990/SAPL 991 Field Study Internship during a semester. Internships taken for credit can include payment to the student from the company at which the internship is taken. The for-credit aspect of the internship and payment for work at the job site are independent, the student’s pay can be discussed between the student and the company hosting the internship. Students doing a summer internship will need to enroll in the zero-credit SPSS 3081 Summer Internship Experience during a summer session and then take SPSS 3990 in the fall semester following the internship to receive credit. Students doing internships during the regular fall or spring semester should enroll in SPSS 3990 Field Study Internship. 

Students who are looking for an internship and are interested in enrolling in any of these courses are highly encouraged to speak with their advisors for more information.  

Guidelines and Procedures

Office of the Registrar Forms

Internship Courses

SPSS 3081. Summer Internship Experience 

Prerequisites: None.

Zero credits. Summer session.

Instructor: selected advisor/faculty

Provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience, knowledge, and professional skills in a work environment related to employment and careers in plant science or landscape architecture. Students work with the instructor and internship supervisor to develop a learning contract and plan of work to ensure meaningful and educational tasks and experiences. Students taking this course will be assigned a grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).


SPSS 3990. Field Study Internship 

Prerequisites: Open to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated professional potential as identified by their advisor.  

1-6 credits, may be repeated for a total of 6 credits. Fall/Spring semesters. 

Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory 

Students will work with professionals in an area of research or management. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory.) This course may be repeated provided that the sum total of credits earned does not exceed six credits. 

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources offers internships in Extension. Get paid, in-the-field experience in the areas of Food, Health, Nutrition, Sustainability, Research, Agribusiness, Youth Education, Community Development, and Marketing.  

Our Undergraduates have had internships like: 

  • Ecotypic Seed Supply Chain Intern 
  • 4-H Program Intern 
  • Environmental Education Intern 
  • Vegetable Entomology Intern 
  • Sustainable Turf and Landscaping Intern 
  • Sustainable Food Systems Intern 

    See Extension Internship Opportunities for more information, opportunities, and how to apply. Current UConn freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply for and be selected for this program. 

    More information about internships at UConn can be found at the UConn Center for Career Development. 

    A student processes soil samples

    A student processes soil samples in the Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory. June 20, 2022. (Jason Sheldon/UConn Photo)


    Experiential learning is a core component of the Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems program. We provide students with research opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems majors can enroll in SPSS 3996 Undergraduate Research in Plant Science and SPSS 3999 Independent Study. SPSS 3996 provides an opportunity to develop a research-focused project, whereas SPSS 3999 provides an opportunity to investigate a specific topic of interest through instruction and various other modalities (directed reading, assignments, discussions, etc.). Both SPSS 3996 and SPSS 3999 can be taken for course credit and are to be guided by a consenting faculty member. These courses are encouraged for students interested in gaining hands-on experience and guidance from our multidisciplinary community of faculty. Students interested in enrolling in undergraduate research or an independent study are encouraged to speak with their advisors. 

    After speaking with their advisor and/or the faculty member that has agreed to guide the project, students should work with that faculty member to fill out the PSLA Independent Study and Undergraduate Research Syllabus Form which helps the student and instructor outline the guidelines and expectations of the study.

    After completion and approval of the syllabus form, students should then fill out the Registrar's Student Enrollment Request Form to ensure that the course is properly listed on the student's transcript.

    SPSS 3996. Undergraduate Research in Plant Science

    Prerequisites: None.

    1-6 credits, may be repeated for credit.

    Individualized research conducted under the supervision of a faculty instructor. The student is required to submit a report on research findings at the end of the semester. Consent of instructor and department head required.

    SPSS 3999. Independent Study 

    Prerequisites: None. 

    1-6 credits, may be repeated for credit. 

    Students are expected to submit written reports. 


    See our Research page for more information regarding our Cannabis Program, Landscape Research, and Turfgrass Research. 

    Visit the Office of Undergraduate Research to learn more about university-wide internship opportunities and information. 

     UConn IDEA Grants

    Summer Undergraduate Research Fund

    Student at research farm